A unique digital platform for online blood ordering and transfusion safety enables real-time communication between hospital and blood banks for Blood ordering, order tracking, Haemovigilance and adverse reaction reporting.
A detailed blood component ordering system with transfusion indication and clinical diagnosis for transfusion points. The platform helps in smart validation and gives automated alerts in case of deviation in blood group or related immuno haematology (antibodies, Phenotyping) parameters.
​A Haemovigilance module that ensures the positive patient identification along with documentation of transfusion records to prevent bed side Transfusion errors, the platform also has realtime Adverse reaction reporting utility as per National Haemovigilance guidelines.
Seamless online blood ordering with required patient vitals
Zeroed transcription and interpretation errors
Integration ready with HIS
Automated reports for blood bank & hospital
Complete haemovigilance process
Realtime Multiple Blood order Status tracking
Alert on deviation in BG /Antibodies
Hassel free automated communication
Adverse Reaction Reporting And Workup