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Safetrans Blood Traceability software Case study

Check How Jeevan Jyoti Blood Bank Reduced The Time To Recruit Blood Donors During Emergency From 8+hrs To Few Minutes

India has a considerable shortage of blood in its blood banks, with more than 38,000 donations reportedly required...


Check How Jeevan Jyoti Blood Bank Reduced The Time To Recruit Blood Donors During Emergency From 8+hrs To Few Minutes

Recently on the occasion of World Blood Donor day, thousands of people donated their blood all over the country. Nearly more than 90% of these donations...

Safetrans Blood Traceability software Case study
Safetrans Blood Traceability software Case study


No bad blood

In India, where more than 90% of blood donations are carried out in camps set up by various organizations, it becomes the need of the hour to have a centralized platform...

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